The Rationality of the Doctrine of Mercy
The Rationality of the Doctrine of Mercy
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Abstract :
The soundness and rationality of the essential doctrines of any religion represent the basis of religiously. One of the central doctrines of Imamites and Catholics is the necessity of Divine mercy or bounty for bringing welfare and salvation to mankind. This paper investigates the rationality of the doctrine of God's mercy in the theology of Imamites and theology of Catholics using a documentary analysis method. Thus, after investigating the reasons for the necessity of divine mercy in each of these two faith, the paper concludes that, according to Imamites the principle of Divine mercy is based on firm rational evidence, whereas according to Catholics the doctrine of divine bounty is based on a set of pre-assumptions absolutely viewed from inside religion the existence of which is confirmed by Pauls and Christian fathers. Thus, it is very difficult to prove its rationality.