Human, Way and Guide
Human, Way and Guide
Abstract :
Man, as the supreme creature of God, has always been the subject of the studies of the intellectual schools of thought. Recognition of man, his path to happiness, and the guides who show him the path are of great importance. Are we dependent (creature), or independent? Are we two-dimensional, or one-dimensional? Do we have free will, or our destiny has been predetermined? Are we social, or historical? The way of prosperity must be based on reason and experience, or we need an extraordinary way? Is Quran a reliable miracle, or there is a possibility of distortion? Is Infallibility essential for the guides? Is Islam's holiness and comprehensibility defendable? Questions of this kind in this research, which have been written by a group of researchers of theology, are being examined.
description :
In the introduction of the book, it is stated: “The author first deals with human existential areas and analyzes the phenomenon of Revelation. Knowing the Prophet and studying his infallibility and is the other issue of the book.”
This book is organized in ten lessons; and subjects like anthropology, knowing the revelation, prophethology, Quranology, Khatmata, Imamate, Mahdism and Pathology are studied and discussed. At the end of each lesson, there is a summary of whole, and references are also provided for further study. The authors' aim was to develop a textbook on the basis of Islamic Thought.
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